
Archive for January 26, 2010

113 Ohio government school districts diverting $22M in federal stimulus money intended for special-education services

January 26, 2010 Leave a comment

State officials said 113 Ohio school districts are diverting $22 million in federal stimulus money intended for special-education services and spending it on other programs.

It’s a small portion of the $438 million that schools are getting statewide for special-Ed. But advocates for the disabled are upset.

Jennifer Cohen, a policy analyst for the New America Foundation in Washington D.C., calls it sneaky.

The U.S. Disabilities Education Act allows districts that get additional federal dollars to reduce their local spending by up to 50 percent of the increase.

The state Education Department said the law is intended to give eligible districts flexibility and that any money spent on general education also will benefit special-needs students.

Reason # to homeschool.


Categories: Government Schools, Ohio, RTHS

Breaking News: NBC uncovers truth about Obama’s hidden identity as terrorist

January 26, 2010 Leave a comment

It’s certainly one of the shortest messages that Osama bin Laden’s ever delivered, but he gets right to the point. In a one-minute audiotape released today, Obama claims credit for that failed suicide bomb attempt over Detroit on Christmas day but in it he also, more ominously, threatens more such attacks.

TV Newser

For those needing another reason to homeschool

January 26, 2010 Leave a comment

And for those who need one more: Mayan Math.

Reason # to homeschool.

Sweetness and Light
Big Journalism
Patterico’s Pontifications

Categories: Government Schools