
Archive for August, 2010

Sergeant Schultz channels his inner Milton

August 26, 2010 Leave a comment

democRAT Congressman Phil Hare describes questions about the Constitution as “Silly Stuff”

August 23, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: democRATs, US Constitution

California government schools claim Lucifer as model and guardian

August 19, 2010 Leave a comment

California’s capital city offers two Waldorf-inspired public schools — John Morse Waldorf Methods School (K-8), and the high school George Washington Carver School of Arts and Sciences. The Sacramento City Unified School District now is facing a trial in federal court on allegations that those schools are religious, making them ineligible to receive taxpayer dollars.

The lawsuit, filed in 1998 by the group People for Legal and Nonsectarian Schools, is just now making it to trial after several appeals. In an interview with The Sacramento Bee, the president of PLANS uses phrases like “cult-like religious sect” and “new-age religion” to describe the activities at the schools.

Dr. Bruce Shortt, author of The Harsh Truth about Public Schools, explains to OneNewsNow that the Waldorf system is based on a dangerous philosophy called “anthroposophy” from the writings of 19th-century Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. “And in those writings he basically posits that the universe is driven by conflict between Lucifer and the god of darkness called ‘Ahriman’ — and his educational philosophy is built around that conflict,” says Shortt. “…In fact, in his view Christ came to earth as a ‘son god’ to balance the forces of light and darkness.” The author says these views are reflected in The Waldorf Teachers Survival Guide.

Reason # to homeschool.

One News Now
Sacramento Bee

Holy Crap! Government schools asking students to bring their own toilet paper

August 16, 2010 1 comment

Pre-kindergartners in the Joshua school district in Texas have to track down Dixie cups and paper plates, while students at New Central Elementary in Havana, Ill., and Mesa Middle School in Castle Rock, Colo., must come to class with a pack of printer paper. Wet Swiffer refills and plastic cutlery are among the requests from St. Joseph School in Seattle. And at Pauoa Elementary School in Honolulu, every student must show up with a four-pack of toilet paper.

Reason # to homeschool.


Categories: Homeschooling, RTHS

Thirty-three years ago today…

August 16, 2010 Leave a comment

I remember watching the breaking news alert on WMC-TV that he had been rushed to the hospital for a heart attack.

Categories: Elvis

Happy National Airborne Day!

August 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Airborne: A family tradition. All the way.

S. Res. 599: A resolution designating 16 August 2010 as “National Airborne Day”
Airborne and Special Operations Museum

Categories: Airborne, US Army

Homeschool education levels well above national averages

August 16, 2010 Leave a comment

When asked why they do it, homeschool families consistently answer that they do it because it is the absolutely best way to educate children. Far from being elitist however, or the statement of simple, ignorant, or deluded homeschool parents, it seems that two decades of research affirms this answer with empirical evidence, according to a recent study.

In February of this year, Brian Ray published a study of the largest nationwide sample of home educators and their children in the United States. Also a review of existing research on homeschooling, it asserts an incredible fact that most do not know, and often do not believe:

“[H]omeschool students and their families are in some ways a select population: although the income for homeschool families with school-age children in this present study is at about the national median, ‘. education levels are well above national averages’. This is consistent with the body of extant research. It is not a surprise” (Academic Achievement and Demographic Traits of Homeschool Students: A Nationwide Study).

What the evidence consistently suggests is that there is much more involved in an “education” than a teacher’s certificate, curriculum packages, sports or electives. After all, the family structure in most home schools is traditional and overwhelmingly Christian, headed and taught by married parents. The father is the primary wage earner while the mother stays at home, and they have three or more children.

Even with larger families than the national average, homeschoolers only spend between $300-600 a year on educational materials. They tend not to subscribe to pre-packaged full-service curriculum programs. Astonishingly, children of moms and dads who have never held a teaching certificate do better on average than children of those who have.

Reason # to homeschool.

Academic Achievement and Demographic Traits of Homeschool Students: A Nationwide Study

Categories: Homeschooling, RTHS

The three things you need to know about Islam

August 15, 2010 Leave a comment

I’ve moved!

August 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Yes, I’ve moved to WordPress after having grown tired with Blogger.

Categories: Blogger