Home > Homeschooling, Kettering > Schoenlein vows to eliminate extracurriculars such as sports and band if Kettering school levy fails

Schoenlein vows to eliminate extracurriculars such as sports and band if Kettering school levy fails

Kettering schools officials say they would eliminate all 2011-12 extracurricular activities — including sports and band — and reduce busing to state requirements if voters reject the district’s 4.9-mill property tax levy Nov. 2.

“If your back is to the wall, and the voters say no in November, I don’t think you can justify continuing to fund those things,” Superintendent James Schoenlein said Thursday, Sept. 9, during a meeting with the Dayton Daily News editorial board. “They become frills.”

Ok. This would be a bad idea why? First of all they won’t become “frills”, they already are “frills”. Explain for us, Doctor, why taxpayers should finance these extracurricular activities? I’ve lived in Ohio for almost fifteen years now and I have yet to understand the government dependency mindset. When I lived in Missouri, if students/parents wanted to be involved in sports, they paid for it themselves, not government schools. It was the same in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and even out in Utah to name a few.

Keep this quote in mind from Dr. James Schoenlein, Kettering Government Schools Superintendent from 10 February 2010: “On what grounds do I have to slash the budget?!?”

Reason # to homeschool.

Dayton Daily democRAT News

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