
Archive for September 27, 2010

Obama on failing government schools: “The idea of a longer school year, I think, makes sense.”

September 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Sure, if you want to maintain the status quo of government schools boasting about graduating one herd after another of skulls full of mush eagerly able to regurgitate myths about global warming and evolution as well as to place a prophylactic upon a banana but ignorant about subjects such as the US Constitution.

The obvious problem with associating an extended school year with higher test scores and a reduced drop-out rate is that it has been tried over and over without success. Each time this has been suggested, it is announced with equal amounts of fanfare and described as being a silver bullet to eradicate the ills facing government schools when it is later discovered to be yet another panacea in their history.

Reason # to homeschool.

Today / PMSNBC

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria casts Hezbollah as a model of religious tolerance

September 27, 2010 Leave a comment