
Archive for March, 2011

Fairborn levy literature may have violated rules

March 26, 2011 Leave a comment

Fairborn City Schools or representatives working with the district may have violated election regulations by distributing an informational document urging citizens to vote for the May ballot’s 7.9-mill school operating levy without listing a treasurer of the group responsible.

[Fairborn Superintendent Dave] Scarberry also said Greene County Board of Elections Director Tracy Smith “was fine with it” and that “there’s no issue” at the county level.

So the Greene County Board of Elections Director is “fine with” election law violations. Interesting to know…

Dayton Daily democRAT News

Beavercreek indoctrinator pleads guilty to shoplifting

March 26, 2011 Leave a comment

A Beavercreek teacher is no longer on the job after pleading guilty to shoplifting.

Sandra Martin, 62, teaches English at Ferguson Middle School.

She pleaded guilty earlier this month to stealing Nicorette gum and moisturizer from Kmart.

Martin is on paid administrative leave.

Reason # to homeschool.


Government school lockdown follows threat by student

March 15, 2011 Leave a comment

Elementary school officials locked a student between entrance doors today because they were worried the student would carry out a threat of violence. Cleveland Elementary School, 1102 Pursell Ave., issued a building-wide lockdown Monday and called for help from Dayton police officers.

The lockdown came after a 14-year-old male student became upset in a classroom and threatened to come back with a gun, Sgt. Donald Burden said. The student returned, and the staff was concerned that he would follow through with the threat, so they locked him in the vestibule. That kept him from going in or out of the building.

Reason # to homeschool.

Dayton Daily democRAT News

Categories: Government Schools, RTHS Tags: ,

82% of US government schools “failing”

March 15, 2011 Leave a comment

An estimated 82 percent of U.S. schools could be labeled as “failing” under the nation’s No Child Left Behind Act this year, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Wednesday. The Department of Education estimates the number of [government] schools not meeting targets will skyrocket from 37 to 82 percent in 2011 because states are toughening their standards to meet the requirements of the law. The schools will face sanctions ranging from offering tutoring to closing their doors.

Drudge included the word “shock” at the beginning of the headline. I don’t see this as shocking whatsoever. It’s called the status quo.

Reason # to homeschool.


Registered sex offender excorted out of Fairborn government school

March 15, 2011 Leave a comment

Even though the law in Ohio says sex offenders can’t live within 1000 feet of a school, this man did not violate any sex offender registration laws by visiting the school where his child attends. He did violate the Fairborn school district’s policy.

Reason # to homeschool.


Special education teacher resigns after charges of abuse

A special education teacher accused of child abuse has resigned from the Franklin City Schools. The Middletown Journal says that the teacher is accused of binding shoes to a student’s feet with masking tape. It caused bruising.

Superintendent Arnol Elam says that the teacher was placed on administrative leave February 11. She resigned this past Thursday, citing personal reasons, effective March 31. The teacher and student are not being identified because the teacher does not face criminal charges now.

School leaders say a parent of a special-needs student noticed bruising on her child’s legs over a three week period. She took the child to a doctor who determined the bruising was not caused by a medical problem, but by someone grabbing the child’s leg in an abusive manner. In a police complaint, the woman said the teacher taped her child’s shoes in a disciplinary action because the child likes to take his shoes off during the day. A Middletown police detective says the teacher is being investigated for another abuse complaint from a different parent.

Reason # to homeschool.


Dayton Daily democRAT News