
Archive for February 15, 2013

Obama fires 20,000 Marines, but sends $700 million to Palestinian terrorists

February 15, 2013 2 comments
Categories: Corruption, Moonbats

Bill threatens homeschool freedom in Connecticut

February 15, 2013 Leave a comment

Proposed Bill 374 filed in the Connecticut General Assembly would require all homeschooled children ages 12, 14, and 17 to undergo a behavioral health assessment. These assessments would be conducted by an unspecified health care provider and would be conducted even though there was no indication whatsoever that these children had a behavioral problem. The bill states that the results of the assessments are to be disclosed only to the child’s parent or guardian, but that the health care provider must submit a form to the State Board of Education verifying that the child has received the assessment.


Categories: Homeschooling, RTHS