
Archive for February 24, 2013

Massachusetts forces schools to let ‘transgender’ boys use girls’ restrooms, lockers

February 24, 2013 Leave a comment

Massachusetts Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester has issued orders to the state’s K-12 public schools requiring them to permit “transgender” boys and girls to use the opposite sex’s locker rooms, bathrooms, and changing facilities as long as they claim to identify with that gender.

Many elementary schools in smaller Massachusetts towns include children from kindergarten through eighth grade, making it possible for boys as old as 14 to share toilet facilities with girls as young as five.


Categories: Moonbats, RTHS

Student facing charges after fight at Trotwood High School

February 24, 2013 Leave a comment

Charges will be presented to the county prosecutor against a female Trotwood High School student who is accused of hitting another student.

The female student was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital after several of her teeth were knocked out during the altercation, according to the police report.

According to the report, two male students were throwing ketchup packets at each other in the school cafeteria, and ketchup got on the female student’s shirt when one packet broke open.

The female student then began hitting both male students, and one of the male students grabbed the female and slammed her to the floor.

The female student had several teeth knocked out and was also bleeding from her nose.

Security footage confirmed that the female was the primary aggressor in the altercation, and charges of assault are being filed, according to the report.


Categories: Moonbats, RTHS