
Archive for July, 2014

Dayton mayor gets pushback for offer to house immigrant children

A feud is unfolding over whether Dayton should take in immigrant children from Central America who have been crossing the border by the tens of thousands in recent months.

Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley is facing off against Congressman Mike Turner and local politicians. The Democratic Whaley says the numbers of young children coming into the U.S. alone from central America constitute a humanitarian crisis.

When the federal government contacted her in early July about potentially housing some of them temporarily, she said—of course.


Categories: Dayton, democRATs, Nan Whaley

Is this bag of M&M’s real or fake?

Categories: Humor

Former Black Panther and current democRAT Rep Bobby Rush under investigation for corruption

Rep Bobby Rush, (D) Ill, is under investigation for a variety of charges. He is accused of misusing campaign funds, improper reporting of finances, and the missing one million dollar grant provided by a private company aided by Rush in Congress. Rush maintains his innocence.

The Chicago Sun Times has led an investigation into various transactions Rush has had and possible violations of the law plus quid pro quo arrangements with the telecommunications companies, including a million dollar grant that Rush can’t explain where the money went.


Categories: Corruption, democRATs

At $84,489, California teachers are highest-paid in America

Forbes Magazine recently wrote, “It is one of the most commonly held bits of conventional wisdom in this country: that teachers are grossly underpaid.” But a new survey of W-2 data from over half of the public school systems in California found that the state’s average teacher pay and compensation was $84,489 last year. That figure is 50% higher than the national average of teacher compensation and over three times the $27,519 average annual compensation for all Americans.


Categories: Government Schools

Military bars troops from attending Vacation Bible school honor

But our story picks up with what happened on Thursday. That was the day when the church was supposed to honor the National Guard. They had invited troops from the nearby armory to drop by with one of their Humvees.

“We were going to thank them for protecting our religious liberty,” said Pastor Hogan. “It was more of a promotion for the military — to show the kids what the military does.”

But the National Guard did not visit Bible Baptist Church on Thursday night, and the reason why has caused great anger and frustration among church members.

“We were told it was against military policy for National Guard troops to participate in Vacation Bible School,” Pastor Hogan said. “They said if the National Guard had assets on church property it would look like the National Guard is sponsoring the Baptist religion.”

The need to be educated on the Black Robe Regiment from the Revolutionary War.


Suspended teacher charged with stalking student

A suspended Penn-Trafford High School teacher is accused of stalking a 17-year-old student by trying to meet the student at his workplace and repeatedly inviting him to events and restaurants.

After trading messages online with Spanish teacher Michael David Garet and meeting the teacher during down times at school for a few months, the student decided Garet’s attention was more than that of a concerned friend. That caused him to worry about his safety, according to a criminal complaint by Penn Township police.

School Resource Officer David Meyers charged Garet, 31, of Level Green on Thursday with stalking, harassment and disorderly conduct for incidents from Nov. 23 to Feb. 1. Harrison City District Judge Helen Kistler scheduled a Sept. 9 preliminary hearing for Garet, who will receive the charges by mail.


Categories: Government Schools, RTHS

Happy SysAdmin Day



Categories: SysAdmin Day

Bob Beckel admits to using dope in the White House

bob beckel

No surprise here. It makes sense with his issue with using expletives many times.

Truth Revolt

Categories: Bob Beckel, democRATs

White House to ignore court ruling, keep handing out Obamacare subsidies

The Obama administration will continue handing out Obamacare subsidies to federal exchange customers despite a federal court’s ruling Tuesday that the subsidies are illegal.

A D.C. Court of Appeals panel ruled Tuesday morning that customers in the 36 states that didn’t establish their own exchange and use instead cannot be given premium tax credits, according to the text of the Affordable Care Act itself.


Daily Caller

Categories: ObamaCare

Ex-Planned Parenthood Director: They told me every baby killed in abortion made them $313.29

Categories: Abortion