
Archive for the ‘Government Schools’ Category

Roxbury parents to Government School Board: textbook whitewashes Islam, should be removed

November 17, 2015 Leave a comment

A history textbook being used in Roxbury’s middle school inappropriately glorifies violence, dangerously whitewashes its descriptions of Islam and engages in pro-Muslim indoctrination, say residents who want it removed from the classroom.

The book, “History Alive! Medieval World and Beyond” has been removed from use by a number of school districts across the nation, including four in Bergen County, said Succasunna resident Laurel Whitney, who is spearheading the opposition to its use in Roxbury. She said the book is being used as a supplemental text in Roxbury’s Eisenhower Middle School. The district has shown reluctance to remove it.

Whitney created a summary of her issues with the book and sent it to school officials. But in a Nov. 9 email to Whitney, Roxbury Schools Assistant Superintendent Loretta Radulic said the book was staying, at least for the time being.

“Your passion for the issue is evident, and I do appreciate your concerns for the safety of the students,” wrote Radulic. “The supervisor, building principal, Board Members, and I have had several meetings to discuss your concerns. At this point we do not believe eliminating the textbook is the appropriate road.”

Tap Into Roxbury

Tennessee bill would bar Islamic “religious doctrine” from being taught in government schools

October 12, 2015 Leave a comment

…there’s 28 pages they have to learn about Islam, and Mohammad, and how it all came about, and about the holy Koran, and the Five Pillars of Islam, and how they pray, and when they pray, and where they pray, and how they pray, and why they pray, and about pilgrimages and all this and then they say that Allah is the only God.

EAG News

Categories: Government Schools

Tennessee government school district runs out of money cancels school

October 12, 2015 Leave a comment

A small, financially struggling school district in northern Tennessee has canceled classes until officials can find a way to generate more revenue.

Clay County Director of Schools Jerry Strong said the school board made the decision Thursday night after struggling with budget concerns for three years. He said the district doesn’t have enough revenue to pay for partially unfunded mandates from the state.

Strong said the county commission, which funds the schools, has declined to increase property taxes and a proposed wheel tax referendum vote won’t take place until March.

Strong said school administrators plan to meet with county officials in an effort to resolve the problem. He said he hopes classes for the 1,150 students in the district will resume sometime in November.


Categories: Government Schools, RTHS

The Purpose of Government Schools

September 27, 2015 Leave a comment

H. L Mencken famously proclaimed: “Th[e] erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.” And that was in 1924!

Education News

Categories: Government Schools

Government school district bans “tag” over emotional well-being of students

September 25, 2015 Leave a comment

What have our schools become when administrators ban the game of tag over the emotional well-being of kids? Well, a laughing stock.

But that hasn’t stopped the Mercer Island School District from banning the harmless game without even consulting parents.

The school district’s communications director Macy Grade, in an email, told Q13 that the “rationale behind this [ban] is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students.”

Emotional safety? Are kids such wimps that they become traumatized while chased in a game they volunteer to play? Or is that the hyper-sensitive, hyper-protective school district feels the need to protect students from made up dangers to justify their paychecks?

They also address physical safety, wanting kids to “keep their hands to themselves.” After all, a pat on the back in a voluntary game of tag might … make you mildly uncomfortable?

Categories: Government Schools

New York City government schools close for Muslim holiday

September 24, 2015 Leave a comment

Everything I Ever Needed to Know About islam I Learned on 9/11


Indoctrinators in government schools don’t want your children to succeed

September 18, 2015 Leave a comment

Nothing helps student self-esteem as harping on them for showing advancement.

Categories: Government Schools

Government school students suspended for wearing clothing with Confederate flag say they will continue

September 18, 2015 Leave a comment

Common Core tests results lower in Ohio government schools

September 15, 2015 Leave a comment

Data shows that less than half of Ohio students met the academic standards on new Common Core tests taken the last school year.

Preliminary results shared with the Ohio Board of Education show that passage rates have dropped from previous standardized testing. About 26 percent to 40 percent of elementary and middle school students met or exceeded expectations on math and English exams.

I guess all that time and money spent to teach to the test worked wonders.


Kettering government schools sets new Confederate flag policy

September 15, 2015 Leave a comment

After a meeting with the Dayton Unit of the NAACP, Kettering schools adopted a new policy for confederate flags on school property.

The change comes after some Fairmont High School students drove to school with the confederate flag on their vehicles.

At the time, school officials asked the students to take the flag down when they got to school and they could put it back up as they were leaving.
