
Archive for January 13, 2010

Is Martin Gottlieb planning to run for Dayton School Board?

January 13, 2010 Leave a comment

I ask the question because someone this ignorant of history would be an ideal candidate to shape the indoctrination of skulls full of mush in Dayton Government Schools. He idolizes Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of this nations worst presidents. FDR’s policies didn’t put an end to the Depression, but extended it. For those paying attention to current events, does this sound familiar? Just like FDR, Obama is making the economy worse by employing the same tactics. An excellent video from Black Sphere Productions “showcases democRAT liberal icon FDR and the little known racist history surrounding him. Not to mention, FDR didn’t give us The New Deal, he gave us The Raw Deal.”

Gottlieb suggests that Republicans were opposed to abolition when in fact the opposite was true. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was the catalyst for the creation of the Republican Party, who not only opposed the act, but sought to halt the expansion of slavery which democRATs were in favor of then, and still today as we continue to suffer from LBJ’s “Great Society”. The Republican Platform of 1856 included a section that stated that “it is both the right and the imperative duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories those twin relics of barbarism — Polygamy, and Slavery.”

Just as Clement Vallandigham shot himself in trying to prove a point in a murder case, the editorial staff of the DDN shoot themselves in the foot time and time again in their ignorance to little pesky things like facts and historical truth. One commenter at the DDN page puts it well, “The democrat party should drop all reference to our founders and use more accurate historical figures: Marx, Alinsky, and Chamberlain.” If asked, I’m sure Comrade Gottlieb would respond with a resounding “Da.”

Dayton Daily News

Kettering Recreation Center members concerned with sex offender

January 13, 2010 Leave a comment

KETTERING, Ohio — A tier three sex offender is a member of the Kettering Recreation Complex, and some of the facility’s patrons are wondering why he is allowed near so many women and children.

Current laws require Marc Hodapp, a man convicted of rape twice and abduction three times in the 1970s and 1980s, to register with local authorities every 90 days.

Because he was convicted decades ago, Hodapp is not subject to registration laws passed in 2007 and 2008 that would prevent him from living within 1,000 feet of schools and day cares.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office must notify schools, day cares and the community within 1,000 feet of Hodapp’s home of his status.

No law exists that prevents Hodapp from being a member of the complex even though a day care is part of the facility.

Listing of Marc Hodapp at the Montgomery County Ohio Sheriff’s Office

The Montgomery County Ohio Sheriff’s Office offers the option for you to register to track Mark Hodapp.


Categories: Kettering, Ohio

Ohio ranks 42nd in national happiness study

January 13, 2010 Leave a comment
Categories: Ohio

It’s the Malaise Factor: Part Deux!

January 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Obama said people have “every right to feel deflated, because the economy was far worse than any of us expected.” But he insisted that his government’s economic steps in 2009 are paying off and that people should have confidence in this new year.

Congrats President Carter Obambi. No faith in the nation that you are the chief executive of — surely a prime textbook example of leadership.

Gateway Pundit
Yahoo News/AP