
Archive for April 30, 2011

Trotwood Government Schools seek to pass operating levy for a fifth time

April 30, 2011 Leave a comment

The new operating levy is for 7.5 mills and it would raise about $1.8 million a year for the school district. It would cost the owner of a $100,000 home an extra $230 a year. The average Trotwood homeowner with a $70,000 home would pay about $160 more in taxes a year.

If at first you don’t steal money from the taxpayers, try, try, try, try again.

Reason Number # To Homeschool


Kettering government school indoctrinators approve contract, major concessions

April 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Kettering government Schools teachers on Thursday voted 275-18 to approve a three-year contract that includes major concessions, against a backdrop of potential changes in Ohio collective bargaining law and projected cuts in state funding.

The deal, which awaits school board approval on Tuesday, would freeze base salaries for three years, eliminate step raises based on experience for the first two years and increase employee health premiums.

Superintendent James Schoenlein said, “I’m not sure that it is necessary for the state to pound various groups of educators into cooperating and collaborating. We are perfectly willing and capable of working together on our own.”

This is the same man who said, “On what grounds do I have to slash the budget?!?”.

He’s just…
Reason Number # To Homeschool

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