
Archive for January, 2013

The Kettering City School District will seek an additional 5.9-mill property tax levy on the May 7 ballot

January 30, 2013 Leave a comment

The board of education for the 7,400-student district voted 5-0 Tuesday to ask voters to approve the five-year measure, which treasurer Steve Clark said would cost the owner of a $100,000 home $180 in additional taxes per year.

Here we go again.

Categories: Kettering

Centerville teacher indicted on 3 counts of sexual battery

January 30, 2013 Leave a comment

A Centerville High School teacher and former girls golf coach was indicted Wednesday on three third-degree felony counts of sexual battery against a female former student during the 2005-06 school year.

A Montgomery County grand jury returned an indictment against Michael C. Weaver, 43, who teaches government classes. The allegations are from a woman who was a junior at Centerville High School that year. Weaver is scheduled to be arraigned Feb. 14.

Dayton Daily News

Categories: Corruption, RTHS

Want to tell the state to stick it? Homeschool your kids.

January 22, 2013 Leave a comment

The swelling legions of homeschoolers poke a subtle rebuke at America’s ever expanding nanny state. Under both parties, Washington has systematically invaded private spheres and co-opted public services historically performed by local bodies. But a spontaneous groundswell of freedom minded folks has continued America’s rich inheritance of rugged individualism.

The God-fearing, flag-waiving, gun-toting homeschool crowd embodies the American spirit of mutual self-reliance. You won’t encounter a more neighborly bunch. Their children thrive without government “help” Their support networks blossom sans the state’s sanction. Meanwhile, taxpayers waste a fortune securing abysmal academic results. In 2012, SAT scores fell to their lowest level since tracking began. As spending soars, assessment scores plummet.

The modern homeschool movement comes largely by Christians aghast over an academic establishment overrun by progressives. Schools long ago became laboratories for instilling statism and distilling politically correct groupthink. Values clarification anyone? With public education increasingly geared toward multicultural agitation against America’s godly heritage, many parents resolved to safeguard the hearts, souls and minds of their young.

At least 1.5 million students receive home-based academic instruction. The ranks of homeschoolers are rising rapidly across every social strata, faith and ethnicity. While many families lack sufficient means for someone to stay home, it’s not generally those affluent enough to afford exclusive parochial education. The highest homeschool participation appears in households with incomes ranging from $25,000 to $75,000. The homeschool community reflects a cross-section of Americans; the children of truck drivers and lawyers, whites and blacks, rich and poor, Christians and unbelievers.


Categories: Corruption, democRATs

Ex-State Rep. democRAT Clayton Luckie going to prison

January 22, 2013 Leave a comment

Former state lawmaker Clayton Luckie has been sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to theft charges in court today. In a plea deal today in Franklin County Common Pleas Court, Luckie pleaded guilty to eight felonies and one misdemeanor. His prison sentence begins March 18. Luckie will also serve three years of post-release control and pay $11,800 in restitution.

Dayton Daily democRAT News

Categories: Corruption, democRATs

University of Dayton holds week of MLK events

January 15, 2013 Leave a comment
Categories: Government Schools

Planned Parenthood received $542.4 million in government grants and reimbursements

January 8, 2013 Leave a comment
Categories: Corruption, ProLife

Buchanan: “There Would Be A Revolution” If government confiscated weapons

January 8, 2013 Leave a comment